Codarts Rotterdam

That little big drama of mine

Theater Zuidplein, Gooilandsingel 95 Rotterdam

That little big drama of mine

Graag kondigen we de groepsproductie aan van de vierdejaars studenten van de bacheloropleiding Circus Arts
op 21 & 22 februari 2025 in Theater Zuidplein.


Is this the end?
The end of all our elaborate plans,

the end of everything that stands,
the end of all safety or surprise,
my beautiful friend:
will I ever look into your eyes again?
Is it better to end, or to end badly?
Maybe it won’t be a bad end;
after all, all's well that ends well...
My beautiful friend: Is this the end? 

Regie: Piergiorgio Milano, bijgestaan door Florent Hamon.


Fourth year students 24/25

Cléa Anderfuhren
Shea Baker
Sam Balthasar
Sequoia van Ekeren
Charlotte Hofer
Tom Laurent
Lily Nolan
Tatjana Sommer


Director: Piergiorgio Milano
Assistant director: Florent Hamon
Light engineering: Edwin van Steenbergen
Sound engineering: William Bakker
Rigging: Nikolay Pyasta
Production: Vivian Hendriks
Costume design: Loek van Cruchten

We hopen je te mogen verwelkomen!

Anna Beentjes (hoofd), Jan Daems en Thomas Falk (coördinatoren)
Codarts Circuskunsten Rotterdam

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