Admission requirements Maqam Instrumentalist

Maqam music and Modal Cultures along the silk routes –  Audition requirements for instrumentalists 


Practical Requirements 

Candidates must prepare a 10–15 minute audition programme consisting of three contrasting pieces that showcase different Maqams, rhythmic cycles, and forms. The repertoire should include: 

  1. Traditional Composition 

  • Perform a piece that demonstrates your expertise, focusing on accurate Maqam execution (or interpretation) on your instrument. 

  • Examples include Saz Semai, Peşrev, Longa, or a folk music tune . 

  1. Taksim (Improvisation) 

  • Perform a Taksim in a Maqam of your choice, showcasing creativity, ornamentation, and microtonal control. 

  1. Versatile Piece 

  • Perform a piece that demonstrates versatility in tempo, structure, or musical style, highlighting your artistic range and technical ability. 

Candidates may choose to perform solo, with an ensemble, or in a combination of both. When performing with an ensemble, your instrument should be featured prominently to clearly display your technical and expressive capabilities. Please note the audition is online.  

Aural Skills & Theoretical Knowledge 

Candidates will also be evaluated on their aural perception and theoretical understanding of Maqam music, including: 

  • Familiarity with Fundamental Maqams 

  • Sight-read and perform a given piece in one of the following Maqams: Rast, Uşşak, Hicaz, Hüseyni, or Nihavend, demonstrating accurate pitch, phrasing, and stylistic interpretation. 

  • Intonation & Microtonal Awareness 

  • Ability to play Maqams in ascending and descending order with correct intonation and stylistic accuracy, paying close attention to microtonal nuances. 

  • Melodic Repetition 

  • Repeat a melody (on your instrument) that is played to you. 

  • Interval & Chord Recognition 

  • Identify and name intervals, triads, and 7th chords. 


What we grade:  

  • Musical Accuracy & Expression – Candidates must demonstrate accuracy in pitch, rhythm, and articulation while conveying artistic expression and stylistic awareness. 

  • Timing, Groove & Pulse – A solid sense of timing, groove, and rhythmic precision is essential. Candidates must be able to feel and maintain the direction of the groove, including the ability to play ‘the specialised style’ where applicable. 

  • Technical Control & Instrumental/Vocal Proficiency – Assessment of fluency, control, tone quality, and dynamic range appropriate to the instrument or voice. 

  • Aural Awareness & Musical Sensitivity – Ability to listen, respond, and interact musically, whether in solo or ensemble contexts, with an understanding of phrasing, articulation, and balance. Accurately interpret and perform a short, notated or aural excerpt with rhythmic and pitch accuracy. 

  • Stylistic Interpretation & Improvisation – Candidates should demonstrate an understanding of the stylistic nuances of their chosen repertoire and, where relevant, showcase improvisational skills rooted in the tradition. 

  • Communication & Artistic Presence – Beyond technical ability, we assess the candidate’s ability to engage with the music and convey emotion.  


You will take an online Theory Test. You can click here for further information . 

During the interview we will look at the following aspects:  

  • General motivation and level of English.  

  • Commitment to Studies & Professional Growth 

  • Ability to Articulate Goals & Perspectives  

  • Awareness of the Codarts Learning environment