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- >Master of Music
- Admission
To be admitted at the Master of Music at Codarts a specific entrance audition must be passed. Each area of study has its own admission procedure with accompanying selection criteria and supplementary requirements.
To enroll at Codarts you should be in possession of a Bachelor of Music.
from 15 March 2025 | Application deadline
8 April 2025 | Auditions
Global Musics | Post-auditionsTrumpet, Trombone, Saxophone Apply before Post-auditions Classical Music:Organ - Apply before Friday, 4 April 2025 Other instruments classical music - To be announced!
(online) auditions: |
*The application deadline for academic year for the 2025-2026 has passed, but we are still organising a second round of entrance exams for a number of instruments (Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone and Screen Scoring). Apply now via www.studielink.nl.
For the renewed Global Musics (formerly World Music) programme, the application process for the 2025-2026 academic year runs from March 15 to April 8, 2025, and online entrance exams will take place on 22, 23, 24 and 25 April 2025. Apply starting 15 March 2025 at www.studielink.nl.
Admission exam
During the admission exam, your aptitude, knowledge, skills and developability are tested. The exam consists of three different parts: practical part, research proposal and motivation interview.
Step 1
- Register in Studielink.
- After registration you will receive login details for Osiris Application.
- Complete the registration in Osiris Application, upload a passport photo, upload your studyplan and your musical cv.
- Upload (YouTube) links to your music recordings (see Step 2).
Step 2
Music video recordings for online portfolio
- Master Classical Music: You must submit at least 3 video recordings of your playing in contrasting styles, by different composers, solo or in an ensemble. There is no minimum or maximum time limit for the video recordings.
- Master Jazz/Pop/Global Musics: You must submit at least 3 video recordings in contrasting styles by different composers or where your own work can be heard and seen (per performance maximum 4 minutes). Preferably played with a ensemble/ combo / band.
You must be clearly visible in your video recordings to ensure that the committee can accurately assess your skills, technique and potential.
You can upload separate links (Youtube or Vimeo) to these videos in Osiris Application. We would advise you to set the link of your videos to ‘hidden’ so that your videos are not visible to the public. Please note that we do not accept CDs, DVDs or MP3s.
*Please note: the admission requirements for Classical Composition differ from the above requirements. Click here for the admission requirements Classical composition.*Please note: the admission requirements for Jazz Composition differ from the above requirements. Click here for the admission requirements for Jazz composition.
Step 3
Invitation for audition
Based on your digital portfolio in Osiris Application, the admissions committee decides whether you will be invited for an audition at Codarts. The result of the preselection will be send out by the Administrative Service Center (ASC) per email.
Step 4
The audition
The content of the audition reflects the requirements that the programme and subsequent professional practice will impose on the students.
During the audition, your aptitude, knowledge, skills and developability will be tested for the course of study you plan to follow. The audition consists of two different parts:Practical part
During the audition we will test your talent, knowledge, skills and development possibilities for the study programme you intend to follow.Research proposal
We will conduct an online interview (via Zoom) to discuss your research proposal. -
Step 5
Results of the audition
The management of the programme will determine together with the admissions committee whether you can be admitted. Codarts has a limited number of study places available, so it may take some time before you will receive an email saying whether you have been admitted or not.
Placement or waiting list
Codarts admits only a limited number of students. If the maximum number of students has been reached, candidates may be placed on a waiting list. Placed candidates are requested to inform Codarts within one month after placement whether they will actually take the course.
Admission requirements
- Good command of the English language in word and writing. View the language requirement here.
- Classical Music: prepare a maximum of 5 pieces in contradicting styles from which the committee can choose (on a good Bachelor exam level). For a few instruments there are specific requirements, to be found below.
- Pop: programme of approximately 30 minutes, featuring pieces in different styles on a good Bachelor-exam level.
- Jazz: programme of approximately 30 minutes, featuring pieces in different styles on a good Bachelor-exam level.