Dear colleagues, We would like to announce the group production of the third year
All and Nothing At some point we acrobats - just like everyone else, must ask ourselves what we believe is important.
Directed by Tim Lenkiewicz We hope to welcome you!
Ticket(s) Please book your ticket(s) for one of the performances by clicking on one of the following ticket links:
Location: Fenix I
Performers: Third year students 24/25 Luna Baier, Lise Beaumard, Mikk Bernadt, Axel Bernard-Bouissieres, Alice Clénet, Merel Duffels, Nienke Goodijk, Marcelin Manceau, Corbinian Neubauer, John Ochieng, Mia Erika Peterson, Mathis Platre, Thaïs Ragot, Swantje Theesfeld
Credits: Light: Edwin van Steenbergen |
Codarts Rotterdam
All and Nothing
All and Nothing