Programme Kick-Off Week

Monday 26 August marks the official start of Codarts Kick-Off Week 2024. Some programmes will have a department-specific schedule on Monday morning, for others, the day begins at 13.00 hours at Codarts Kruisplein 26 with a warm welcome and an information market organised by the Student Life department. On Tuesday and Wednesday, you will collaborate with new students from other departments on a crossover project. The outcomes of these collaborations will be showcased on Thursday. For some departments there will be an additional event on Friday.

Please see the detailed schedule for your department below.

  • Circus Arts

    The Kick-Off Week 2024 starts at Codarts Kruisplein (location: Kruisplein 26, 3012 cc Rotterdam) on Monday with a warm welcome in the canteen and an information market organised by the Student Life department.

    Suns Smit (


    Monday 26 August

    12:00 - 13:00 
    Check in at Codarts (Kruisplein 26, 3012 cc Rotterdam).

    13:00 - 13:30 
    A warm welcome to all new students in the Codarts Kruisplein canteen (5th floor).

    13:30 - 15.00
    Information market - Student Life, Participation Council, Library, Yellow House etc. in room 6.35 - 6.41.

    On Monday, you will be assigned to crossover project groups. With this group, you will work on a crossover project on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, all new students will gather for the presentations of these projects. On Friday, some departments have an additional programme organised by the department itself. 
    The programme overview for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (if relevant) can be found below. 

    Tuesday 27 August

     Time                    Activity                                                    Location           Room    
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.35 
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.41 
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba

    Wednesday 28 August

     Time                    Activity                                                Location           Room 
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.41
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.35
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Thursday 29 August

     Time                       Activity                                                Location            Room
    09.30 - 13.45General rehearsalsFenixMain Hall
    14.30 - 14.50Arrival at the VenueFenixMain Hall
    15.00 - 17.00PerformanceFenixMain Hall
    17.00 - 19.00GoodLuck Meet & DrinksFenix


    Friday 30 August

    Time  Activity Locatie    Room 
    12.30 - 13.00Welcome with coffee, tea and a small bite
    by Thomas Falk (coordinator year 1 and 2)
    and Anna Beentjes (head of Codarts Circus Arts)
    13.00 - 14.30Meeting with Annemieke Wijers (study career coach),
    Thomas Falk and Anna Beentjes

    Getting to know each other, sharing your first Dutch
    experiences; information a.o. about the study programme,
    year planning, social safety, insurance, housing, and
    other questions you might have 

    FenixStudio 2


  • Dance

    The Kick-Off Week 2024 starts at Codarts Kruisplein (location: Kruisplein 26, 3012 cc Rotterdam) on Monday with a warm welcome in the canteen and an information market organised by the Student Life department. In the morning, students from the dance department will be welcomed by the Dance Team.

    Ann Baranova (


    Monday 26 August 

    10:30 - 12:00 
    Dance department welcomes dance students (Kruisplein 26, 3012 CC Rotterdam - studio 8.3 (8th floor))

    12:00 - 13:00
    Lunch break 

    12:00 - 13:00 
    Check in at Codarts (Kruisplein 26, 3012 cc Rotterdam)

    13.00 - 13.30 
    Warm welcome to all new students at the canteen of Codarts Kruisplein (5th floor)

    13.30 - 15.00
    Information market - Student Life, Participation Council, Library, Yellow House etc. in rooms 6.35 and 6.41

    On Monday, you will be assigned to crossover project groups. With this group, you will work on a crossover project on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, all new students will gather for the presentations of these projects. On Friday, some departments have an additional programme organised by the department itself. 
    The programme overview for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (if relevant) can be found below. 


    Tuesday 27 August 

     Time                    Activity                                                Location           Room   
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.35 
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.41 
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Wednesday 28 August 

     Time                    Activity                                             Location           Room 
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.41
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.35
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Thursday 29 August 

     Time                         Activity                                                Location           Room 
    09.30 - 13.45General rehearsalsFenixMain Hall
    14.30 - 14.50Arrival at the VenueFenixMain Hall
    15.00 - 17.00PerformanceFenixMain Hall
    17.00 - 19.00GoodLuck Meet & DrinksFenix


    Friday 30 August 

     Time                Activity                                                          Location        Room 
    10.45 - 12.15Introduction with Annemieke WijersKruisplein9.3
    Introduction with Jorrit TerpstraKruisplein9.4
    12.15 - 13.30Lunch breakKruisplein-
    13.00 - 15.00Meetings in town--
    15.00 - 17.00Additional assignement--
    17.00 - 19.00Presentations + Meet & greetKruisplein8.3
  • Music Teacher

    The Kick-Off Week 2024 starts at Codarts Kruisplein (location: Kruisplein 26 Rotterdam) on Monday with a warm welcome in the canteen and an information market organised by our Student Life department. In the afternoon you will be on location for an introduction to your own department (see department programme below).

    Mixaida Schoop-Provence (

    Monday 26 August

    10:00 - 11:00
    Introduction for Music Teacher students with the team of the Music Teacher department (Codarts Kruisplein 26, room 6.41)

    11:00 - 12:00
    Workshop Vocal Leadership for Music Teacher students (Codarts Kruisplein 26,  room 6.41)

    12:00 - 13:00
    Lunch break

    12:00 - 13:00 
    Check in at Codarts (Kruisplein 26, 3012 CC Rotterdam)

    13.00 - 13.30 
    Warm welcome to all new students at the canteen of Codarts Kruisplein (5th floor)

    13.30 - 15.00
    Information market - Student Life, Participation Council, Library, Yellow House, STIP etc. in room 6.35 and 6.41. 


    On Monday, you will be assigned to crossover project groups. With this group, you will work on a crossover project on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, all new students will gather for the presentations of these projects. On Friday, some departments have an additional programme organised by the department itself. 
    The programme overview for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (if relevant) can be found below.


    Tuesday 27 August

    Time                    Activity                                             Location           Room
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.35 
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.41 
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Wednesday 28 August

    Time                    Activity                                               Location           Room 
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.41
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.35
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Thursday 29 August

    Time                          Activity                                  Location      Room
    09.30 - 13.45General rehearsalsFenixMain Hall
    14.30 - 14.50Arrival at the VenueFenixMain Hall
    15.00 - 17.00PerformanceFenixMain Hall
    17.00 - 19.00GoodLuck Meet & DrinksFenix
  • Dance Teacher

    The Kick-Off Week 2024 starts on Monday at Codarts Kruisplein (Kruisplein 26, Rotterdam) with a warm welcome and an information market organised by our Student Life department. 

    Michelle Peuk ( 

    Monday 26 August

    12:00 - 13:00 
    Check in at Codarts (Kruisplein 26, 3012 cc Rotterdam)

    13.00 - 13.30 
    Warm welcome to all new students at the canteen of Codarts Kruisplein (5th floor)

    13.30 - 15.00
    Information market - Student Life, Participation Council, Library, Yellow House, STIP etc. in room 6.35 and 6.41. 

    On Monday, you will be assigned to crossover project groups. With this group, you will work on a crossover project on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, all new students will gather for the presentations of these projects. On Friday, some departments have an additional programme organised by the department itself. 

    The programme overview for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (if relevant) can be found below. 


    Tuesday 27 August

     Time                    Activity                                                Location          Room  
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.35 
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.41 
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba



    Wednesday 28 August

    Time                       Activity                                                Location       Room
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.41
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.35
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Thursday 29 August

    Time                       Activity                                                Location       Room
    09.30 - 13.45General rehearsalsFenixMain Hall
    14.30 - 14.50Arrival at the VenueFenixMain Hall
    15.00 - 17.00PerformanceFenixMain Hall
    17.00 - 19.00GoodLuck Meet & DrinksFenix


    Friday 30 August

    13.30 - 15.00Dance Workshop *Kruisplein8.4
    15.15 - 16.30Meet-up and foxhuntKruisplein8.4
    16.35 - 17.00DrinksKruisplein8.4
    *Make sure you are changed
  • Music Theatre

    The Kick-Off Week 2024 starts on Monday at Codarts Kruisplein (Kruisplein 26, Rotterdam) with a warm welcome and an information market organised by our Student Life department. See the complete department programme below. 

    Isolde van Meerten (

    Monday, 26 August

    You are expected in Theatre Room 1.09 (on the 1st floor).

    Meet the Music Theatre coordinator team. You will receive more information about the programme and meet the people of Music Theatre at the Scheduling Office and our Administrative Service Centre (ASC). You will also have the opportunity to get to know each other a little, and there will be time for relaxation.

    Lunch break (bring your own lunch!)

    Warm welcome to all new students at the canteen of Codarts Kruisplein (5th floor)

    Information market - Student Life, Participation Council, Library, Yellow House, STIP, etc., in Rooms 6.35 - 6.41.

    We would like to see you on the canteen balcony to take photos for Music Theatre's photo frame.

    Finally, in Room 1.09, we will divide students among the vocal teachers. For this, please prepare two songs (one speech and one lyrical; you can use your audition pieces for this). You will sing one or a portion of both. Please bring (pasted) sheet music for the pianist.

    Note: This is informal and definitely not an audition—you’re already in! So, don’t worry too much about how it goes 😊

    On Monday, you will be assigned to crossover project groups. With this group, you will work on a crossover project on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, all new students will gather for the presentations of these projects. On Friday, some departments have an additional programme organised by the department itself. 
    The programme overview for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday can be found below. 

    Tuesday 27 August

     Time                    Activity                                                    Location           Room    
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.35 
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.41 
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba

    Wednesday 28 August

     Time                    Activity                                                Location           Room 
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.41
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.35
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba

    Thursday 29 August

     Time                       Activity                                                Location            Room
    09.30 - 13.45General rehearsalsFenixMain Hall
    14.30 - 14.50Arrival at the VenueFenixMain Hall
    15.00 - 17.00PerformanceFenixMain Hall
    17.00 - 19.00GoodLuck Meet & DrinksFenix

    Friday 30 August

    Musical Theatre has an extra-long Kick-off Week, so we’d like to see you also on Friday 30th August from 10:30 to 14:30 at school (Kruisplein, music room 6.35) for a chance to meet the other Music Theatre students and the teachers! We’ll be doing fun activities to get to know each other, and you’ll be paired with a buddy who will help you navigate the school in the coming period.

    Please sign up by 15th August via so we know you’ll be attending on Friday 30th August. You will receive more information about the programme on Friday 30th August by email later. If you have any questions before then, feel free to contact Isolde at

  • Classical Music

    The Kick-Off Week 2024 starts at Codarts Kruisplein (location: Kruisplein 26 Rotterdam) on Monday with a warm welcome in the canteen and an information market organised by our Student Life department. In the afternoon you will be on location for an introduction to your own department (see department programme below).

    Femke van Splunter (

    Monday 26 August

    12:00 - 13:00 
    Check in at Codarts (Kruisplein 26, 3012 CC Rotterdam)

    13.00 - 13.30 
    Warm welcome to all new students at the canteen of Codarts Kruisplein (5th floor)

    13:30 - 15.00
    Information market - Student Life, Participation Council, Library, Yellow House etc. in room 6.35 and 6.41

    15:00 - 15:30 

    15:30 - 18:00 
    Classical Music department welcomes Classical Music students 

    On Monday, you will be assigned to crossover project groups. With this group, you will work on a crossover project on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, all new students will gather for the presentations of these projects. On Friday, some departments have an additional programme organised by the department itself. 
    The programme overview for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (if relevant) can be found below.


    Tuesday 27 August

    Time                    Activity                                                 Location           Room
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.35 
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.41 
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Wednesday 28 August

    Time                    Activity                                              Location           Room
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.41
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.35
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Thursday 29 August

    Time                         Activity                                               Location          Room
    09.30 - 13.45General rehearsalsFenixMain Hall
    14.30 - 14.50Arrival at the VenueFenixMain Hall
    15.00 - 17.00PerformanceFenixMain Hall
    17.00 - 19.00GoodLuck Meet & DrinksFenix


    Friday 30 August


    Time                         Activity                                               Location          Room
    14.00 - 14.30Q&A and Wrapping up           Kruisplein.    6.41
  • Jazz and Pop

    The Kick-Off Week 2024 starts at Codarts Kruisplein (location: Kruisplein 26 Rotterdam) on Monday with a warm welcome in the canteen and an information market organised by our Student Life department. 


    Monday 26 August 

    12:00 - 13:00 
    Check in at Codarts (Kruisplein 26, 3012 CC Rotterdam)

    13.00 - 13.30 
    Warm welcome to all new students at the canteen of Codarts Kruisplein (5th floor)

    13:30 - 15.00
    Information market - Student Life, Participation Council, Library, Yellow House etc. in room 6.35 and 6.41

    On Monday, you will be assigned to crossover project groups. With this group, you will work on a crossover project on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, all new students will gather for the presentations of these projects. On Friday, some departments have an additional programme organised by the department itself. 
    The programme overview for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (if relevant) can be found below. 


    Tuesday 27 augustus 

    Time                    Activity                                                    Location           Room    
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.35 
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.41 
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Wednesday 28 August

    Time                    Activity                                                    Location           Room    
    09.00 - 10.00Check-in KruispleinEntrance
    10.00 - 10.10Meet the coachesKruisplein6.35
    10.10 - 10.50Energiser Group A (I,II,III,IV)Kruisplein6.41
    Energiser Group B (V,VI,VII,VIII)6.35
    11.00  - 12.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba
    12.30 - 13.30Lunch break-
    13.30 - 16.30Crossover projectsKruispleintba


    Thursday 29 August

    Time                    Activity                                                    Location           Room    
    09.30 - 13.45General rehearsalsFenixMain Hall
    14.30 - 14.50Arrival at the VenueFenixMain Hall
    15.00 - 17.00PerformanceFenixMain Hall
    17.00 - 19.00GoodLuck Meet & DrinksFenix


    Friday 30 August

    10.00 - 10.15Arrival WMDCEntrance
    10.15 - 10.20Welcome by head of departmentsWMDCJLH Zaal
    10.20 - 10.30Presentation scheduling officeWMDCJLH Zaal
    10.30 - 10.35Presentation ASCWMDCJLH Zaal
    10.35 - 10.45Presentation GroundsWMDCJLH Zaal
    10.45 - 11.15Introduction PopWMDCJLH Zaal
    10.45 - 11.15Building tour - Jazz studentsWMDC-
    11.15 - 11.45Introduction JazzWMDCJLH Zaal
    11.15 - 11.45Building tour - Pop StudentsWMDC-
    11.45 - 12.45SLB meetingWMDCJLH Zaal
    12.45 - 13.30Meet & greetWMDCJLH Zaal

Register Now!

We hope to welcome all new students during the Kick-Off Week. Have you signed up yet? If not, do so quickly via the registration form below. 
If you can't be there every day, you can indicate this on the form.