Tuition fee

Tuition fee

Codarts - Tuition fee

If you are going to study at Codarts, you have to pay tuition fees every year. There are two types of tuition fees in the Netherlands: the statutory tuition fee, which is determined each year by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), or the institutional tuition fee, which is determined each year by Codarts.

The institutional tuition fee is higher than the statutory tuition fee. The reason is that for students who do not meet the conditions for the statutory tuition fee, Codarts does not receive any government funding. To compensate for this difference, Codarts charges the difference in tuition fees.

  • Statutory tuition fee 2025-2026

    Fulltime and parttime: € 2.601

    If you are going to study at Codarts, you have to pay tuition fees every year. There are two types of tuition fees in the Netherlands: the statutory tuition fee, which is determined each year by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), or the institutional tuition fee, which is determined each year by Codarts.

    The institutional tuition fee is higher than the statutory tuition fee. The reason is that for students who do not meet the conditions for the statutory tuition fee, Codarts does not receive any government funding. To compensate for this difference, Codarts charges the difference in tuition fees.

    Nationality requierement: You have the nationality of a country, which is part of the European Union (EU), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Suriname or Switzerland. You also satisfy this condition if you are applicable for Dutch study finance because of your Dutch residence permit according to Section 2.2(1) of the Student Finance Act 2000 (Wet studiefinanciering 2000).

    Degree: You have not obtained a degree from a Bachelor’s programme (or equivalent) in the Netherlands before you started your Bachelor programme at Codarts. Neither did you have a degree from a Master’s programme (or equivalent) in the Netherlands before you started your Master programme at Codarts. Exemption: you do not have to satisfy this condition if you enrol the first time for the programmes Bachelor of Music in Education, Bachelor of Dance in Education or Master of Education in Arts and your previous degree is not in the field of education of health.

    If you do not meet the conditions above, the institutional tuition fee will apply.

  • Institutional tuition fee 2025-2026

    Extraneus: € 2.220

    I: Non EEU; Bachelor / Master (not: Master Choreography): € 10.500

    II: Second study EEU; Bachelor / Master fulltime re-enrolment cohort 2024*: € 6.180

    III: Second study EEU; Bachelor / Master fulltime cohort 2025: € 10.500

    IV: Institutional fee Master Arts Therapies (parttime) cohort 2024*: € 4.740

    V: Institutional fee Master Arts Therapies (parttime) cohort 2025: € 6.049

    Institutional fee Master Choreography (parttime with Fontys): € 8.570

    * continuous, same course of study, maximum nominal duration of study

    N.B: Fees II and III only apply for the nominal duration of study, if students study longer they will pay fee I. If students deregister early, they also pay rate I. Students who transfer from bachelor's to master's level within Codarts continue to pay the fees of the cohort in which they started. The Executive Board may deviate from this rule if special circumstances are established, as mentioned in WhW article 2.1.

    The institutional tuition fees are determined each year by Codarts and are always higher than the statutory tuition fees. You have to pay institutional tuition fees if you do not meet the above conditions for statutory tuition fees. Or if you want to do a second bachelor's programme after your bachelor's and you obtained your degree after 1991.

  • Audition costs bachelor and master 2025-2026

    For the bachelor's and master's programmes, it is legally stipulated that no audition fees may be charged.

  • Contract lessons tuition fee 2025-2026

    Individual lesson Music (unit price, minimum purchase 10 lessons): € 150

    Group lesson Music (unit price, minimum purchase 10 lessons): € 50  

  • Contract lessons audition costs 2025-2026

    € 65

  • Preparatory courses tuition fee 2025-2026

    Preparatory courses tuition fee (full year 01/09 till 31/08)
    Preparatory course Jazz/Classical Music/Music in Education: € 2,500
    Preparatory course Music theory: € 800
    Preparatory course Music theatre: € 2,115
    Juniors class Dance: € 700
    A-class Dance: € 1,000
    Preparatory course Dance in Education: € 1,150
    Codarts Lyceum cohort 2024: € 925
    Codarts Lyceum 2025 (enrolment year 1): € 1,150

    Preparatory courses tuition fee (interim enrolment 01/01 till 31/08)
    Preparatory course Jazz/Classical Music/Music in Education: € 1,250
    Vooropleiding Music theatre: € 1,058
    Juniors class Dance: € 350
    A-class Dance: € 500
    Preparatory course Dance in Education: € 575

  • Preparatory courses audition costs 2025-2026

    Preparatory course Jazz/Classical Music/Music in Education/Music theory/Music theatre/Codarts Lyceum Music: € 45
    Codarts Lyceum Dance year 1+2: € 45
    Codarts Lyceum Dance year 3+4: € 30
    Juniors class Dance/A-class Dance/Dance in Education: € 30