notion that the RASL initiative started, five years ago. I am so proud of our collaboration with Erasmus University and Hogeschool Rotterdam/Willem de Kooning Academy in this dual degree. I also compliment [...] through Arts and Sciences RASL, the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab, is a collaboration between Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), the Willem de Kooning Academy (WdKA) Rotterdam University of Applied
extensive experience in management and supervision. For example, he is a trainer and facilitator at the Erasmus Governance Institute, where he shares his knowledge with future supervisors and directors. In addition
was awarded a Higher Education Premium of € 500,000. RASL is a collaboration of Codarts Rotterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Willem de Kooning Academy/University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam.
Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab, a partnership between Codarts, the Willem de Kooning Academy and Erasmus University Rotterdam. The film reflected the innovative nature of RASL and highlighted its trans
dual degree programme of the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab, a collaboration between Codarts, the Erasmus University Rotterdam and William the Kooning Academy Rotterdam. Stichting Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam
The Andrew Moreno Trio took on saxophonist Femke Mooren and drummer Rafael Slors in the exciting final. Both promising artists with great potential. The j ury spoke the following words about the winne
The prestigious award for up-and-coming jazz talents was organized for the 25 th time by Codarts Rotterdam, the Friends of Codarts Foundation and Nedspice. The award proved to be a great stepping ston