our common European dance heritage is cherished and serves to inspire younger artists, and where older people are respected and engage in meaningful, creative activities. [...] stories of elderly people with dementia through dance and music. The community project took place in the context of ‘Dance On, Pass On, Dream On’ (DoPoDo) and is now captured in a short, moving documentary. [...] in the dance sector and in society. 11 renowned European dance institutions – Codarts among others- are working towards a Europe where older dancers are valued for their experience and charisma, where our
Fully protected and wrapped up, my main tasks are measuring the patients’ blood pressure and oxygen level. These people are really very ill, with temperatures of 40 degrees and higher and they are often [...] Medicine and Health and Life Sciences. The Bachelor Medicine is now in the pocket. Much education is online now, but Codarts is practical education, so dancing is still possible. I get up at 6 AM and then [...] Veenstra (23) from Tiel is a first-year student of the study programme Dance in Education and she also studies ‘Health and Life Sciences’ at the Vrije Universiteit. Recently, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree
producing and performing through support, coaching and fluidity with insight, innovation, respect and openness. Guest choreographers, répétiteurs, permanent teachers, facilitators, production personal and staff [...] Creative Skills consists of improvisation and composition classes, drama, Laban Movement Analysis, Art and Dance, Creation and Reflection weeks, collaborative projects and own work by students. Within this pillar [...] investigative and reflective attitude, and dance signature. An important aim of this part of the programme is that students learn to apply this knowledge in different ways and contexts and are able to
my grandfather and when I listen to the Beatles and putting a vinyl on and… children’s drawings and with my dog, mum and siblings and on dirty trains and Doing boardgames after a meal and Cereals rellenos [...] rellenos de Mercadona and being in the forest on a sunny day and knowing where my toothbrush is and Nature Valley hemp seed granola and mountains and listening to music and singing on it and smelling the food [...] food that my mom did and the cold and the smell of my dad's garage and the smell of palo santo and listening to my dad play the piano and my sister’s voice - Mmmh, great. I’m happy to hear that you have
my grandfather and when I listen to the Beatles and putting a vinyl on and… children’s drawings and with my dog, mum and siblings and on dirty trains and Doing boardgames after a meal and Cereals rellenos [...] rellenos de Mercadona and being in the forest on a sunny day and knowing where my toothbrush is and Nature Valley hemp seed granola and mountains and listening to music and singing on it and smelling the food [...] food that my mom did and the cold and the smell of my dad's garage and the smell of palo santo and listening to my dad play the piano and my sister’s voice - Mmmh, great. I’m happy to hear that you have
my grandfather and when I listen to the Beatles and putting a vinyl on and… children’s drawings and with my dog, mum and siblings and on dirty trains and Doing boardgames after a meal and Cereals rellenos [...] rellenos de Mercadona and being in the forest on a sunny day and knowing where my toothbrush is and Nature Valley hemp seed granola and mountains and listening to music and singing on it and smelling the food [...] food that my mom did and the cold and the smell of my dad's garage and the smell of palo santo and listening to my dad play the piano and my sister’s voice - Mmmh, great. I’m happy to hear that you have
providing high level professional arts education in music, dance and circus arts. The university has about 1,000 students, of 65 nationalities, and around 480 staff members. Codarts Rotterdam Kruisplein 26 3012 [...] Press officer Karlijn Verschoor 06- 29 43 93 33 kmverschoor@codarts.nl Photos and videos You need permission to take photographs and video recordings at Codarts. For this, please contact the communications [...] Netherlands T +31 10 217 11 00 E codarts@codarts.nl I www.codarts.nl Codarts WMDC building (Jazz, Pop and World Music) Pieter de Hoochweg 125 3024 BG Rotterdam T: +31 10 244 45 00 Codarts Fenixloods I building
interests (circus and/or art in general). Tell us your artistic dreams and show us your extra qualities. Format: free choice music or sound scape optional 2 min max Video 2: Technical and artistic skills [...] show us 2 lines in which you integrate cartwheel (both left and right), handstand, jump and if possible salto Exercises in flexibility: frontal and lateral split, bridge Only if relevant: exercises on trampoline [...] facilitates the training space and a offers a limited amount of training hours with the specialisation teacher. Costs for lodging and travelling are on personal initiative and budget of the candidate. Candidates
Cultural and artistic excellence Fairness, inclusivity and diversity in art and culture – not just on moral and legal grounds, but because diversity leads to greater creativity Respect for and interest [...] countries. Communicate and disseminate the project’s values and achievements in the press, through online and offline communication channels, via social media, and on a regional, national and European political [...] capacities and skills through workshops and international sharings on archiving, oral history, digital documentation and copyright issues. Create unrestricted access to the project’s outputs and documentations
Knowledge of notation in treble and bass clef, major and minor scales and their signatures, intervals Triads and 7th chords, also in inversions Writing down and recognizing major and minor scales, intervals, [...] melody Singing and recognizing of major and minor scales, intervals and triads (major, minor, diminished and augmented) and church modes Localizing of changes within a chord Clapping and notating of rhythms [...] triads (major, minor, diminished and augmented) and church modes. Knowledge of the symbols of all the major, minor, dominant, half diminished and diminished 7th chords. Rudimentary knowledge of the extensions