notion that the RASL initiative started, five years ago. I am so proud of our collaboration with Erasmus University and Hogeschool Rotterdam/Willem de Kooning Academy in this dual degree. I also compliment [...] through Arts and Sciences RASL, the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab, is a collaboration between Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), the Willem de Kooning Academy (WdKA) Rotterdam University of Applied
extensive experience in management and supervision. For example, he is a trainer and facilitator at the Erasmus Governance Institute, where he shares his knowledge with future supervisors and directors. In addition
was awarded a Higher Education Premium of € 500,000. RASL is a collaboration of Codarts Rotterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Willem de Kooning Academy/University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam.
protocol of the Student Life Monitor has been approved by the Medical Ethical Review Committee of Erasmus MC. Lectoraat Performing Arts and Medicine Student Life works closely with the Performing Arts Medicine
versatile drummer and multi-instrumentalist producer. He graduated cum laude from Codarts and won the Erasmus Jazz Prize while still a student. Mark studied in New York at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary [...] with other learning institutions, venues and major events, such as the Willem de Kooning Academy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Lantarenvenster, BIRD, Jazz International
joint projects with the Antwerp and Cologne conservatoires. Students can also take advantage of the Erasmus programme and participate in exchanges with other European conservatoires. What more do we offer [...] with other learning institutions, venues and major events, such as the Willem de Kooning Academy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Lantarenvenster, BIRD, Jazz International
Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab, a partnership between Codarts, the Willem de Kooning Academy and Erasmus University Rotterdam. The film reflected the innovative nature of RASL and highlighted its trans
dual degree programme of the Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab, a collaboration between Codarts, the Erasmus University Rotterdam and William the Kooning Academy Rotterdam. Stichting Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam
sideman and guest soloist. While still a student at Codarts, Jan won the very first edition of the Erasmus Jazz Prize in 1996. In 2022, his ballad album 'Short Stories' garnered him both the Edison Jury Prize [...] with other learning institutions, venues and major events, such as the Willem de Kooning Academy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Lantarenvenster, BIRD, Jazz International
with other learning institutions, venues and major events, such as the Willem de Kooning Academy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Lantarenvenster, BIRD, Jazz International