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Inhoud studie
Dansers van Codarts zijn goed opgeleid, open minded, gezond, creatief en innovatief. Ons programma is opgezet om afgestudeerden de kans te bieden zélf te kiezen welke kant ze opgaan na het afstuderen.
Inhoud studie

Het doel van ons programma is jonge talentvolle studenten op te leiden tot eigentijdse dansartiesten van topniveau. Vakmanschap, techniek, autonomie, creativiteit, individualiteit en artistieke expressie vormen het fundament voor het bepalen van doelen, aangaan van uitdagingen en het maken van keuzes. Codarts biedt een programma waarin traditie en actuele ontwikkelingen een even grote rol spelen en beheersing van de vaktechniek even sterk wordt aangemoedigd als het zoeken naar creativiteit en avontuur. Een constant streven naar ontwikkeling door het verleggen van grenzen gaat gepaard met veel aandacht voor de gezondheid. Het programma stelt studenten in staat zelf de verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor hun ontwikkeling, gestimuleerd door een team van befaamde docenten en choreografen.
De voorstellingen waaraan de studenten tijdens hun studie meewerken zijn belangrijke educatieve momenten waarin alle elementen samenkomen. Optreden vormt dan ook de ruggengraat van het curriculum.
Wij beschouwen het als een voorrecht om met studenten te werken en hen op te leiden in een dynamische en internationale omgeving met veel inspirerende voorstellingen, stages, tournees en vele contacten in het internationale professionele veld.
Het curriculum van ons 4-jarige programma is verdeeld in 4 clusters:
- Danser/Performer
- Maker/Performer
- Contextuele vakken
- Professional/Ondernemer
Hieronder kan je meer informatie vinden over de opbouw van het curriculum.
Jaar 1
The main focus point within the first study year is for the new students to build up and broaden their technical and physical abilities including their strength and endurance. There are daily Ballet classes and various Modern dance technique classes such as Graham, Laban based classes and Floorwork.
Within the module Performance Creative Skills, creative tools and thinking are being offered and stimulated through various assignments and classes such as Improvisation and Drama. Other subjects like Conditioning classes, Yoga, Artistic Research and theoretical classes such as Dance History and Music theory are part of the weekly schedule. The first steps towards working with choreographers and towards creation in general are being made and the students will perform a Marta Graham show with original Marta Graham Repertoire.
For the (mostly international) new students arriving in Rotterdam we offer a side program called Living in Rotterdam (LIR). It provides various workshops in order for the new students to get to know each other and to make them feel at home at Codarts and within the city of Rotterdam. Additionally through LIR the new students gain certain skills and knowledge, needed to manage themselves from a practical point of view within their daily lives.
Jaar 2
During the second year students continue to improve technical and artistic skills. Ballet classes, Cunningham technique, Contextual studies, Drama, Improvisation and Artistic Research will continue to be part of the weekly schedule. Students continue to work on strength, endurance and body awareness through Conditioning classes and Pilates.
Both for Ballet and Contemporary techniques more classes are taught by guest teachers. Coming from the professional work field these teachers bring a variety of new approaches and styles and therefor are an added value towards the solid technical base the students gained and the artistic skills they start to embody.
In the second year a variety of inspiring workshops and projects are offered and students will create own work in the form of a Youth Production. At last the students will start to work with guest choreographers and broaden their repertoire. Performance opportunities are rising and students will perform more often and in various settings and venues. The repertoire for the Codarts Dance Company tour that will take place during the 3rd year is being built.
Jaar 3
Our third year students form The Codarts Dance Company and tour with the program ‘Talent on the Move’, in and outside The Netherlands. Over the past seasons Codarts students performed in Canada, Italy, Poland, France and the USA (NYC). Organizing partner of this annual tour is The Holland Dance Festival. All supporting classes are thought by guest teachers. Next to daily Ballet classes the students are exposed to a variety of Contemporary techniques and improvisation classes. Artistic research and the creation and showing of own work in various settings and contexts ensures that, next to the daily training and the frequent performances, the 3rd year student is getting ready for an internship within a professional company. Internship auditions will take place during the third year.
Jaar 4
During the fourth year students are ‘on internship’ and no longer in ‘the Codarts house’. Over the past seasons students followed internship programs in companies such as; Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, NDT2, Conny Janssen Danst, Introdans, TanzMainz, Gotebrog Operans Danskompani, Ballet National De Marseille, Ballet Basel, Bern Ballet, Grand theatre De Geneva and many others.
Students are on internship for the full season while still being connected to and supported by the Codarts team. At the end of the season students will do their final exam in both Ballet and Contemporary techniques. A self-created solo and a pitch are also part of the final exams. During the fourth year and while being on internship students create their own website stating the professional artists they have become and showing ready ness to enter the professional field of dance.
Na je afstuderen
Dansers van Codarts zijn goed opgeleid, open minded, gezond, creatief en innovatief. Ons programma is opgezet om afgestudeerden de kans te bieden zélf te kiezen welke kant ze opgaan na het afstuderen.
Veel alumni hebben een baan in een dansgezelschap gevonden, bijvoorbeeld: Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, NDT, Conny Janssen Danst, Club Guy & Roni, Nanine Linning, Cullberg Ballet, Norrdans. Andere afgestudeerden zijn actieve freelancers en werken met choreografen als Samir Calixto, Krisztina de Châtel, Marina Mascarell, Joerie Dubbe en Sagi Gross. Sommige afgestudeerden starten een eigen collectief of werken in andere dans gerelateerde beroepsvelden.
Nanine Linning (graduation year 1998), choreographer
‘Nowadays the Vincent van Goghs of this world – those who do only one thing, which is create good art – can no longer survive. Today, you have to create good art and be just flat out active on social media as well.